
Dmc red queen download
Dmc red queen download

Personally designed by Dante, these pistols are the weapon of choice when rapid-fire is a necessity.Ī shotgun firing buckshot, it has been modified for combat use against demonic foes.Ī demonic weapon capable of 666 calamitous forms. This netherworldly weapon spawns countless explosive blades that hover with the oppressiveness of impending doom.Ī katana used by Dante’s brother, it is both the key to opening the Hell Gates, and to their very destruction. Made of devilish metal that absorbs organic material and transform it to steel, this weapon will shock and awe enemies with its brute forces.

dmc red queen download

Nero's mysterious demon arm, which he had been hiding in a sling until Dante appears.Ī sword imbued with tremendous magic, it unleashes the latent power within Nero.Ī memento given to Dante by his father, this large magical blade is the physical manifestation of Dante’s power. The propellant sprayed onto the blade allows it to unleash attacks of great power however, the Red Queen’s complex customizations mean only Nero is capable of controlling it.Ī unique, specially constructed revolver with two barrels, allowing two shots to be fired nearly simultaneously. For Xbox360 players, here are the equivalents: = YĪ mechanical sword with a powerful injection system. Note: All move/ action commands are written according the PS3 controller. Tales of Anime Fanime Con Polls & surveys Webmaster Thanks page GRoD Society Guestbook Affiliations Kung Pao Fu

Dmc red queen download